Director of Coldplay’s Higher Power music video Dave Meyers breaks down the concept of the video by elaborating that it “is a metaphor for how, right now, we all feel alienated, far removed from our world, almost like we’re on an alien planet” in reference to how the COVID-19 virus has affected everyday life for everybody. No matter what your nationality is, what gender you identify as, what your sexuality is, this pandemic has affected everybody on Earth in some sort of negative manner. However, it has also created a sense of unity and mutuality amongst all of us as we come together in this difficult time to offer one another faith and hope. Chris Martin, lead vocalist of Coldplay, explains, “The song is about trying to find the astronaut in all of us, the person that can do amazing things.”

It was a challenge to 3D scan the alien creatures in their intricate costumes, but we are really happy with the result! Huge shoutout to Mathematic and Freenjoy for making this incredible vision come to life.